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Age 38, Male

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Finally! Storm of Zehir

Posted by Elios - December 27th, 2008

Haha, i'm user of the day.

Yay! We have a forum!

I made YET another account on bioware.com, to get my ideas organized. I figured i might as well set up the forum option in case some of you actually have the game, and you post there. (Either way, it's a forum we can have fun with. Make yourself and account, and do whatever you want).

*For more infomation about this, either PM me, or read the replies to the comments*

***Due to the fact this this project is going to suck up most of my spare time, i won't be active on the BBS as much. (I'll still be around, but less). If someone/something requires my attention. please PM me. I still check my inbox.***

Well, after almost six years of developing, drafting, and re-making my Neverwinter Nights custom MMORPG, i can finally start construction of my server. I recieved Neverwinter Nights 2: Storm of Zehir (The 2nd expansion), and NOW i can build my own little world from the ground up.

This game features an impressive "Overland Map", which basically sizes everything down, so players can explore vast worlds without lag or multiple area transitions. I plan on applying this system to my own server, entitled "The 12 Towers". More details on that later on.

I'm going to random post notes for myself on this news post for future reference. However, if you're interested in helping me out with my game, such as making character ideas (with a cool background story), or side-quest ideas, feel free to throw any and all ideas at me. I'll post the basic storyline for the game later, and then you can get an idea of how it will work, and you can add your own ideas (Yes, you will be credited IN the game)


-------------------- What YOU guys can do to help out ------------------------

Now, this is a BIG project for me, and i don't have all of the details down yet. While i'm building the bulk portion of the server, YOU can help me design the little creative extras in the game. Specifically, what i am looking for is

- Mini quests (The heart of this game, is the ability to roam around, kill things, and gain XP. Within this server, i have over 200 side quests (along with a few other offset story lines that the player can explore. If you have an idea for a little adventure, here's what i'll need to make it
- Name of the quest
- A background story (long or short)
- What the player must accomplish
- What the player receives at the end of the quest (gold, items, other secret stuff)

Be as creative as you want with the stories, nothing is too big or too silly

- Ally characters (friendly NPCs that the player can pick up while on an adventure. Requires a name, race, class, and a little background)

- Bosses and bad guys (we all love to hate bad guys. You give me a name, and what he does, and i'll do the rest)

- Named items (If you have a cool idea for an item / object that players can use in the game, provide a description of the item, and a name. This item can be ANYthing, from swords, magic wands, nifty little trinkets, or even armor and shields. These items can be rewards for players who complete side quests)

- Clans, and organizations:
- The Platinum Guard (Pure good group)
- The Crimson Guard (Good group)
- The Black Flame Pirates (Neutral group)
- The Lytis Clan (Evil group)
- The Army of Chaos (Pure evil group
- The Adventurers Guild (Mercenary Group)

-----------------The story so far-----------------------

Alright, here's a description of the main storyline of the game. First off, this game is full MMO, meaning, once this game is active and online, players can band together and complete quests, or join the other side and prevent other players from completing their quests. I'll explain more about that later on.

The story is called "The 12 Towers". It takes place on the continent of Guilder, located several hundred miles away from Faerun, and the Sword Coast. Guilder is home to the magical 12 towers. Each one has a specific element and effect on the world, keeping the magic of Guilder in perfect balance. The Towers are.

-Elemental Towers-
Fire Tower
Ice Tower
Sky Tower

Material Towers
Iron Tower
Gold Tower
Brass Tower
Ivory Tower

Mystic Towers
White Tower
Black Tower
Shadow Tower
The Tower of Time

The main object of the game, is to quest to each tower, and learn the history of the world around you. As well as receive a special tower item. For example, when you reach the Fire Tower (first you have to fight your way through hordes of sand goblins and Marach Hunters), you will learn the origin of the Lost City under the Samara Desert. And you will receive the "Sand Runners", which give your character haste and several skill points.

Now, that's just the main story. Within this world, there will be hundreds of side quests, as well as options and scenarios that give the storyline plenty of twists and turns. The MMO aspect, allows muliple players to explore the world as a group, or as enemies.

Players of a lawful faction will be able to access quests that evil characters will be the target of, and vice versa. The persistent world will allows players to have a real time effect on the world around them.

------------- Current Project: Serious Planning -------------

Well i'm taking a short break from actually building anything. (mainly because i'm moving my stuff into our new house in about a week). And i'm doing some serious plot development, as well and some scripting tests (which is going to be a REAL pain in the ass). So basically for now, construction is stopped until i have some time to really concentrate / not procrastinate on the landscapes.

One of my main goals, is to fully understand HOW the toolset works. For a while, i'd jump in, do a few things, get frustrated, and exit, with no progress made! Now, i'm going to explore the NWN2 forums, and study my World Creator book that i bought.

Finally! Storm of Zehir


gears of war 2.... thats all i gotta say

Never played it. What's it about?

Why is it the only thing you're saying?

I think he is telling you to stop having fun making your game and to go play GoW2.
Also, where are you putting this game?

Once this sever is fully completed (probably in about 6 months-ish), it will be availible for download at the Neverwinter Vault, a website that hosts player created content. Also, i will create a dedicated server that will keep the game online. Meaning...when you go to the Multiplayer game room, you can enter the server 24/7.

It's confusing i know. All you have to know is, if you play NWN 2, you can play in my little world.

Will it be free?

Yes! It will be free to enter and play around.

However, you will have to purchase Neverwinter Nights 2, NWN 2: Mask of the Betrayer, and NWN 2 Storm of Zehir to play.

It's not like the games we have here on NG. It's most like a.....do it yourself ?built it myself version of WoW.

Note to self: check this blog in the future. This interests me, having played some D&D in my time AND having enjoyed the original Neverwinter Nights.

If you would like, i'll PM you occasionally with an update. Or, feel free to PM me anytime if you have any interesting ideas you would like to contribute.

This is a major job for you bud!I look forward to seeing it, but sadly have no idea about if it's online or do i have to buy it(like WOW) also i 'm not good at places or quests but i could give you a character species if you're interested. Just pm me and i'll tell you about it.

tl;dr sum it all up for me plz.


Read it you lazy fuck.

Elios, I love you.

PLEASE give me updates on this thing.

But anyways, you need some NG references. Lord Fulpius, ruler over the Portal of Life.

For some reason, I feel compelled to give you a quest idea as well. I'm feeling that you should have to put in a quest where the player must retrieve an egg for breakfast for a NPC. But not just any ordinary breakfast for any ordinary NPC, oh no. This breakfast would be for one of the royal family. The player must venture up a mountain outside of the village. Once the player has fought his/her way up to the top of the mountain, and with the egg in plain sight, a giant Smorg swoops down to protect her egg. But sadly, the egg is more important, so, after killing the giant Smorg and bringing the egg back to the NPC, he kindly gives the player a small amount of gold and the egg shell, which can be fashioned into Shell Shield. This particular shield has little to no physical defense, but above average magical defense.

I feel like I rambled a bit. You think I rambled a bit?

Oh yes, i will have plenty of Newgrounds references. As for your quest idea, i like it! I'll use it for one of the royalty quests.

And yes, you are rambling, but keep going! This is what i need! Any sort of crazy idea that pops in your head, write it down, and i'll put it in the story.

i seriously have endless ideas for quests.

Heres some boss battles. you could use these boss battles with any quests having to do with the towers.

Fire Tower - Lava monster
Ice Tower - an ice magician/necromancer with polar bear pets :)
Sky Tower - huge bird
Undertower - demon

Material Towers
Iron Tower - a strong Iron Golem
Gold Tower - not sure.
Brass Tower - a minotaur looking thing, either made out of brass or has a bunch of brass items.
Ivory Tower - giant mammoth

Mystic Towers
White Tower - white wizard.
Black Tower - dark wizard.
Shadow Tower - ghost wizard? lol it could work.
The Tower of Time - the ultimate wizard.

I suppose i should have mentioned how the towers operate earlier. I'll explain it now. There will be boss battles BEFORE the character reaches the tower, but inside, the towers, are the Keepers.

The Keepers of the Tower (12 of them) are friendly NPCs that give the character a little background of the surrounding area, as well as a tower item. Now, there are NO hostile creatures inside the tower, however, to get to it, the player must hack, slash, and do a few puzzles before getting there. This is where the bosses come in.

Some towers will have Protectors (which the player must fight, or talk to), but other towers will have hostile creatures that aim to prevent the player from getting inside. I'll list the towers from lowest to highest (in regards to level, difficulty, etc), as well as a brief description of what is inside/around

Sky Tower- Home of the dragons of Guilder (In this world, ALL dragons are friendly. Killing one results in criminal record)
Surrounding baddies: Goblins, Orcs, and bandits

White Tower - This tower is located in the middle of Trispear. The coastal city of Northern Guilder (one of three that are located in cities)
Surrounding baddies - Stronger bandits, Gnolls, Forest creatures

Ice Tower - Located on the tip of a mountain, this tower is a tough one to get to
Surrounding baddies - Ice Orcs, Bugbears, Ice elementals / demons, bears!

Black Tower - The area around the Black Tower is called "The Waste". This area thrives on Dark magic. It is also the site of the Black and White war, that took place a long time ago
Surrounding baddies - Orcs and Demons

Ivory Tower - Located off the shore of Hillsfar, this tower stands on it's protective island
Surrounding baddies - Bandits, sea creatures

Gold Tower - Located in the middle of the Tempest Jungle, everything in this area is larger than normal. (yes, everything)
surrounding baddies - Giants, insects, lizards

Iron Tower - This tower is located in Caltton City. It is themed to be like 18th centure Europe. Lots of machines, factories, smoke stacks, etc. The commoners in this area are mostly golems and machines
Surrounding baddies - Golems, constructs, elementals

Under Tower - Located, well...underground, along with the rest of the darkness dwelling creatures. Above this area, is the Golden Forest, home of all the elves.
Surrounding baddies - Drow (dark elves), strange creatures

Brass Tower - Located inside of cliff, the area around it is inhabited by dwarves. This area is known as Silvercliff.
Surrounding baddies - Sand orcs, the Marach

Fire Tower - In the middle of a burning desert, the fire tower is one of the toughest towers to get too.
Surrounding baddies - Fire goblins, Snakes, lizards

Shadow Tower - Located on an island, the road to the Shadow Tower is paved with the undead. This is a tough run.
Surrounding baddies - Dead things

The Tower of Time - Very strange creatures. Incorperals, mystics, demons, etc. Nothing is sacred
Surrounding baddies - all of the above, but more powerful

I played on WoW for 2 years.

And i met a quest developer at a midnight release of WoTLK. He told me the basics of good quests in games.

I can help with quests.

PM me if i can help in anyway.

That would be great! I'll PM you ASAP

Whatever ideas you have, please, feel free to post them here, or PM.

You should have a mini quest that starts with something as simple as rescuing a dog for a girl, and have it turn out the girl isn't really a girl but is really and evil (insert evil thing here) and the dog is a man who has the only way too destroy her. She turned the man into the dog. Now she wants to finish the job. It would be kind of on the large side but not too large.

Good thinking! Like a quest that continuously shifts sides, with some plot twists and a surprise ending. Sounds like a good idea, i'll work on that!

You should penicorns or whatever the fuck they are, in this game.

Definatly. Another great feature about the NWN2 toolset, is the creature customization wizard. It's basically like the game Spore added right into the game. You can detach parts from one creature, and apply it to another. You can change size, shape, everything! I'll starting working on Penicorns right now.

Sorry about rambling, then. My last post was a result of no sleep for 2 days and mixing pain meds.

But yeah, I'll randomly think of crazy shit like that. I'll make sure to drop by here every now and then to post some of the betters ones.

Hey Elios whats up?

Just wanted to say that i am a fan of your work and if there is anything i can do to help with your MMO then feel free to ask.

Is it possible to join with only The MOB expansion pack?
Please say yes :/

Of course it is! Only a few other features won't be available to you, that's all.

I hope you read my PM i sent you.

Please for the love of god, in the ice tower have a pickup in a corner of a towel. And it says "One who is in control should always know where his towel is."

Ummm.....ok! What should this towel do? Magic ability wise...

Also, what is this in reference to?

Yo man thanks a bunch for letting my character be in your game.

you think you could put in a captian flacon reference?

Its in reference to The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy my fine feathered friend.

Magic ability wise? Maybe helps cure freezing or a resistance to water?

It redirects me to the main page with all the forums and stuff. Is it still up?

you look way to cool to play D&D :(

Lol, thanks.

It tends to throw people off sometimes. I like to look good physically, but i'm really just a big nerd on the inside.

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