Hey guys, i have a new project in the works. And i need your help!
Here's the basics: Each week, i / we will be doing an audio only radio show, and submitting it to the portal each weekend (friday or saturday) Each show will have the same basic scheduel. I tried doing all of this myself, but it's just TOO much, so here's where i need your help. I want to assemble a team of Newgrounders, that will help this Radio Station idea become successful, by providing information that can be featured on the show: Popular flashes, Portal submissions (flash/audio), BBS topics of interest, users of the day, etc. I want to get together a group of possibly 5-7 people (not including myself) That are willing to help out with this. Each "member" of the station WILL be co-authored, for their assistance and contribution.
Please guys, i want this idea to work. I know it can be done. If we do it right, it'll be awesome!
Comment if you want to help out, i will get back to you ASAP.
I think it sounds cool. I think it'd be great to get some requests from the Underdog List: <a href="http://underdoglist.newgrounds.com/">http://underdoglist.newgrounds.com/</a> bring a bit of attention to some of the less known musicians. Nice idea, I hope it takes off.