View Profile Elios

148 Movie Reviews

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Truly...that is a sad day..."

Awesome drawings (obviously meant to look like a 6 year old made them) And the happy-go-lucky delivery of the childs story...reminds us of a time...when we were all innocent once...once...

Oh my...

WOW: Cloudsong, 1880's style

"Good sir, i believe you have jousted my Cloudsong."

"Touche', for it was not I. Drink you tea, calmy, for we are all chums."

"For sooth! If i locate your place of residence, i shall wilst over, and deficate on thy wooden floor."

"My good man, you are ill, and in need of professional anger assistance, post hast!"

"I do believe you are part of the organization, who hast theived mine Cloudsong, and i am in possession of thy VN board."

"Good sir, Thou shalt be muted."

"Aye! I do not approve of such mockery!"


Awesome flash!

Same old DBZ stuff...

Yet another DBZ / Sprite spin-off

It's almost as if you took the two lamest things, and mushed them together into...whaever this is.

Not that this isn't bad. I just didn't find this interesting...at all.

Ok, so i added the BnW to fav's

Except for this one.

Reason being, even though it's very impressive, there was nothing that really kept me watching...It seemed, TOO random. And i know this is a collab / music video, with no plot, script etc. But it was all very strange...

I even tried muting the volume, and played some ICP, to see if a better audio selection would help...

A Classic!

Even though it's really old, this is still an awesome flash short.
Could even be a series someday!

Watched the whole thing.

Well almost, the last few seconds i stopped, because the song (or whatever that backround noise was) was VERY annoying...SO, i think i'll watch the actual show now...


For the love of B!

We all love B!

End of TTA?

Great final episode. Maybe even someday, someone will make an actual TTA game. For now, i'll stick with Neverwinter Nights.

Great work Kirbopher15, you have built a legacy.


That was annoying. Use a better mic, or different voice actors.

Camera/Attention whore.

Age 38, Male

Massage Therapist


Buffalo NY

Joined on 7/20/07

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