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no no no no no!

Damn...i hear the song too! Ahh! make it stop!

Anyway...awesome classic flash!

co-author me on all submissions from now on.

Are you kidding me!?

Besides the fact that all you did in this flash was make a drawing of a Sega Genesis character.

But are you seriously posting somthing that's telling people, that YOU are the co-author of EVERYBODY's submissions from now on?

Seriously...that's lame, and shallow. And i have lost ALOT of respect for you.


Short, sweet, with a hint of sadness.

Most of us...have felt the pain of rejection. Not to elaborate on the topic, but with some more time and effort, this could truly become somthing special.

oh teh n0se! z0mbi3s!

Well...besides the fact that i was sprites and whatever, this flash reminds us all...that we must prepare in advance for the impending zombie invasion.

Rule no. 26: No killing plot NPC characters.

As a long time player of Dungeons and Dragons (AND Neverwinter Nights 1 & 2)
I was suprised when i saw this in the portal, and clicked it right away!
Sadly...i saw...stick figures.....
BUT, there's nothing wrong with that really
I kept watching for 2 reasons
1.) The song is cool.
2.) I wanted to see what would happen to the guy who "Can't be killed"

Also, because i'm bored...i'll make some character sheets for your characters

Bragdum Rumblebelly
(Guy with beard)
Race: Dwarf
Class: Barbarian (level 6)
AC: 23
HP: 64
Weapon of Choice: Dwarven War Axe

Cyrus Synthair
Race: Human
Class: Sorcerer (level 9) Pale Master (level 5)
AC: 16
HP: 110
Spells per day: 20
Weapon of Choice: Sythe of Life Stealing +4

(He who cannot be killed)
Race: Human or somthing
Class: Fighter (Level 60) Weapons Master (Level 60) Blackguard (Level 60)
AC: 341 + 20
HP: 32,410
Weapon of Choice: Sword of a Thousand Truths + 1,000

CalamityColon responds:

You are actually very close to the skills of the characters


Poor Mr. Peanut...I really didn't see that *SPOILER ALERT!* hammer coming...
Animation was brilliant, and the story was quick, simple, and cute...up until the
*SPOILER ALERT!* hammer.


I like the unique-ness of each character. And the humor.

I didn't like the funny echo sound when the one guy (main character i guess) talked

BlakTornado responds:

I used to use Windows Sound recorder for the echo before but now I've got Audacity, and it just doesn't do echos quite the same :(

However, thank you for your 8 and the time you spent writing a review :D

Funny...i guess.

Good flash, animation was silly. However, the voice on the phone was REALLY anoying. Sounded like a whiny jewish person...no offense.

FoxCoon responds:

Well... I'm not Jewish, so none taken.

Camera/Attention whore.

Age 38, Male

Massage Therapist


Buffalo NY

Joined on 7/20/07

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